Monday, 3 August 2009

New Plants

I decided to get some new plants to replace the Cabomba as the fish were slowly pulling them apart. As I was having trouble finding the plants I wanted at the pet shops, I decided to use a Internet site recommended in a tropical fish magazine I have been reading. So I ordered 5 plants from them last Saturday and they arrived on Wednesday. They came in bags that were very moist inside. These bags were packaged in a box. I was only able to get around to planting them on Thursday night, so I kept them in a bucket of water.

There are the plants I bought:

Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Mi Oya' - An easy plant to grow and one of the most robust Crypts. Very variable under different light and other environmental conditions.

Bacopa australis - Easy to grow in an aquarium. Under certain conditions it creeps across the bottom to form an elegantly decorative light green cushion.

Staurogyne sp. - This is a new plant to the aquatic hobby. It is a hardy plant for the foreground of the aquarium.

1 comment:

  1. These plant look like they well. Its like gardening under water.
