Over the last few days I have been feeding the Danio's TetraMin flakes and they are quite fussy about which flakes they like to eat. It appears that the general consensus amongst the Danios are the red flakes are not for them. Each time they eat a red flake, it is quickly spat out and they are off to find a better tasting morsel. Guess the red flakes will become food for the bottom feeders when I get them.
I tried to take some photos of them, but because they move so fast, it is impossible to get a decent shot. So I have resorted to getting some images from the web.
Zebra Danio
Leopard Danio
I have done a little experiment with trying to film the Danios, turned out a bit better (it looks grainy because Blogger saved it under a different resolution after the upload) than any photos I took, but will have to improve my directing skills as none of the fish seem to do what I want them to.
Cool fish!