Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Kuhli Loach Rating

I have kept Kuhli Loachs on different occasions. Each time I get them I think they will be an interesting fish to have in the tank, but every time I am disappointed. They find themselves a place to hide, usually under a log and will remain there most of the time. The few times I get to see them is if they decide to come out for feeding when the tank light is off or when I shine the torch light under the log.

I would personally not keep them again as I feel they do not contribute to the tank. Of course I could just be having bad luck with them.

Good Points:
  • Their appearance is different to most fish
  • Suitable for community tanks
  • Peaceful
  • Scavengers 
  • Hardy
Bad Points
  • Nocturnal
  • Tend to hide under objects
  • Dig themselves into sand
  • 4/10

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Tank Pictures

A few pictures of the tank

 General look and feel, including the new Penguin Tetras

Penguin Tetra swimming next to the new Cryptocoryne wendti shoot